Departing Sögüt Limani and after rounding Degirmen Bükü, where there are a number of anchorages, you can steer a course W for the hook-shaped inlet of Kargili Koyu by carefully navigating past camli Adalari and Köremen Adalari.
The distance between Kargili Koyu and Degirmen Bükü is only 2.8 nautical miles. It is called Kargili Koyu (Pike Bay) because there is a lot of reeds found in the bay. It was previously known as Löngöz, as Italian and French warships took shelter in this bay during World War II. It is likely that this name was given by these visiting warships. You will not encounter any difficulties in approaching from the W, whereas if you are sailing in from the E, then you have to watch out for Köremen Adalari.
Kargili Koyu, which has a wide mouth, gradually narrows to a point where it seemingly buries itself into the mainland. Closed off to all winds, this bay, which is surrounded with pine, eucalyptus and styrax trees spread out like a broadcloth, is a great anchorage spot. There are two streams which flow into the bay. It is suitable to drop anchor anywhere in this bay, but in front of these streams, You can tie a mooring line around one of the pine trees up on shore.
Vessels up to 18-20 m. in length can tie up to the pier in front of 84-year old Ali Ölmez Bar and Restaurant located at the end of the bay. In placing your orders, we have to say that in addition to fish and chicken, the tandir kebab, which is basically sliced Iamb roasted in a well of burning embers, is famous as well. Those arriving here also have the opportunity to prepare their own meals if they wish. The manager of the restaurant, Mr. Ölmez, states that the reason for the cloudiness of the water here is due to the fact that all the burnt soil and ash residue from the fire that broke out four years ago flowed into the bay via the two streams.
Balli Su Koyu is situated in between Kargili Koyu and Degirmen Bükü. Vessels can also anchor here at the end of this clean cove W of the Köremen AdaIan. There is an artesian well in the deepest part of the left inlet of the cove, from which small vessels can draw water. Watch out for the Balli Su Kayaliklari at the entrance.