Sarsala - Sirali Buk
Sarsala Iskelesi is located between Bozburun in the S and Martin Burnu in the N. A small bay in the SW of the pier where pine trees offer shade is generally suitable for smaller boats to drop anchor. Ruins of an old dwelling as well as that of an ancient pier can be seen in the water to the W of the peninsula. There is a road from land to this bay, which is comprised of two coves known as Büyük and Küçük Sarsala. Yachts can moor in the W section without any problem.
There are a number of small coves in this bay, which is exposed to the 5, whereas some vessels drop anchor in these coves. There is a mountain path behind these on which one can trek up to Erentepe and Kocagöl.
Kocagöl is 2 - 3 km. beyond Sarsala. Here the ancient city of Lyssa is situated at Kizilagaç Mevkii. The only author of antiquity to have ever mentioned this city was Pliny. It is known that the city did not mint any coins but it was mentioned in inscriptions. A part of the acropolis walls remains standing, whereas there are inscriptions on the S side of the walls. These are honor inscriptions that were written in the 3rd century B.C. during the period of Ptolemiac Dynasty. Nothing much remains of the ancient city save for tombs that are seen between the city and the sea. However, as with other cities of antiquity, there most certainly should have been ruins of some private and official buildings as well.
The other name of Sirali Bükü, which is located in the inlet of Martin Burnu to the N of Sarsala Pier, is Martin Koyu. The bay is surrounded by tall mountains and unites with the pine trees growing on the peaks. It is possible to moor anywhere along the cape, which has five beaches.
Mariners who go onto the beach at night light bonfires and spin fish tales. However, the S inlet is an ideal mooring spot for vessels. Nevertheless, Sirali Bükü, which is exposed to prevailing N winds, is considered not to be a secure anchorage once the winds start kicking up.
There is another small bay opposite to the small island at the entrance of Bedri Rahmi Koyu, called Zeyno, which is home to a small beach. It is preferred for its tranquility and its relative security. Adjacent to Bedri Rahmi Koyu is Kille Koyu, which has made a remarkable recovery from the fires of four years ago.