Kizil Ada
A decent anchorage between Selimiye Koyu and Bozburun Limani is Dirsek Bükü, whereas Bozburun is one nautical mile SE from here.
There are three coves in Dirsek Bükü. One is right at the entrance, while the other two are inside the bay. There are submerged rocks and ruins of an ancient pier sticking out from the bays promontory. The best spot to moor is in front of the beach on the W edge. Here, one can drop anchor in 5-8 m. of water.
Another mooring point after Dirsek Bükü is Kizilada. Pulling up anchor in Dirsek Bükü, you will need to take extreme caution in rounding Atabol Kayasi, a group of rocks which are difficult to make out whenever the meltem is blowing. In sailing into Kizilada waters, the largest island in the Gulf of Yesilova, passage is made between Zeytin Adasi and Kizilada. Anchorage is possible along the E shore of Kizilada. which doesnt receive winds other than the meltem.
The small cove in the SE inlet of the island is a suitable anchorage. Another mooring spot is the neck on the N end of Kizilada that extends towards Kiseli Adasi. There are submerged reefs between the islands of Kiseli and Kizil, so dont try squeezing through that passage. The small inlets in the SW of the island are also suitable for mooring.
Kizilada derives its name from its reddish soil. There are a few Byzantine ruins found on the islands extension towards Kiseli Adasi, while the main ruins are on Kiseli Adasi. The small indentation at the SW side of Kiseli Adasi is also suitable for anchoring.
Zeytin Adasi is situated at the S point of Kizilada, whereas Sögüt Adasi is situated behind this. One can enter Sögüt Harbor from here, though mariners do not prefer to stay moored long for the fact that it is too exposed and too wide of a bay.